
Bird News Friday 7th October.

A Spoonbill was at Ballykelly Co.L'derry (Brian Hegarty) see pic below.

As well as the Spoonbill at Ballykelly, Lough Foyle had 10 Pink-footed Geese, 1 Ruff, 1 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Med. Gull, 32 Little Egret.(Gareth Bareham/Matthew Tickner)

A male Long-tailed Duck was off the hide at the Bann.(Brian Hegarty)

The Lapland Bunting was still present yesterday at Ballywalter.(Garry Wilkinson) see pic below.

St. John's Point Co.Down had...1000 Linnet, 200 Skylark and 10 Swallow were at St John's Point. Seawatching produced 3 Manx Shearwater, a Red-throated Diver, a juvenile and an adult Common Tern.(Tim Murphy)

The winter-plumage Common Tern was still at Lough Beg today. A Jack Snipe and 20 Ruff were at Mullagh. (David Steele)

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