
Bird News Monday 3rd October

An immature White-tailed Eagle was at Boa Island Fermanagh this morning (Peter Taylor / Andrew Gallagher).

Four Grey Plover were at Ballykelly Bank in Lough Foyle, see picture below. (David Hill).

On Rathlin 4 Pink-footed Geese in company of one Greylag were in a field beside Ushet Lough and 
a Chough was at Roonyvoolin cliff walk. (Patrick Barton).

A Curlew Sandpiper was at Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve. (Stuart McKee).

Five Crossbills flew over a garden in Fivemiletown today. (Colin Bell).

Thanks to David Hill for the pictures of the Grey Plover and the ringed Brent Goose and to Patrick Barton for the picture of the Chough.

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