
Bird News Saturday 15th October

The Glossy Ibis was at Strand Lough, Killough, still, at 9am. (Tim Murphy)

A female / imm Marsh Harrier was at the Quoile (Joe Lamont).

An adult Mediterranean Gull with a green leg ring, AETC, and a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull were at Whitehead Promenade. (Cameron Moore).

An adult Ring-billed Gull was at Carrickfergus Harbour at high tide (Brian Sutton).

The juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper was still at Inch in Donegal. (Birdguides).

On the shore of Belfast Lough at Whiteabbey were a Mediterranean Gull with a red leg ring, PNU0, which was ringed in Poland in May 2012, a Lesser Black-backed Gull with a black ring, F461, which was ringed in Portugal in November 2014 and a Common Gull with a blue ring, 2AIP, which was ringed on the Copelands in June 2012. (Gareth Platt).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the adult and 2nd winter Mediterranean Gulls and the Pied Wagtail and to Christine Cunningham for the picture of the Teal.


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