
Bird News Wednesday 12th October

Red-flanked Bluetail still showing well at times, 40m north from the south end of Kellys Wood, St John's Point. The bird was still present at this location at 4pm (Tim Murphy)

The 2nd winter Ring-billed Gull was still at the Round O, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

A Lesser Whitethroat was seen today on Rathlin Island and an adult Little Gull was at Fair Head. (Eamonn Larresey)

At Teiges Hill near Brookeborough, Co Fermanagh this morning there were 3 Swallows, a total of about 60 Redwings and 11 Fieldfare,  also seen were 32 Crossbills. (Clive Mellon).

A 1st winter Little Gull was at Glynn in Larne Lough this morning, see picture below. (Cameron Moore).

The Spoonbill was still at Ballykelly this morning.

A White-tailed Eagle was at Lower Lough Erne in Co. Fermanagh today.

Thanks to Cameron for the picture of the Little Gull at Glynn.


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