
Bird News Wednesday 19th October

45 Pink-footed Geese were seen flying over Antrim this morning. (Davy Hunter).

17 Whooper Swans were on Killylane Reservoir outside Larne this afternoon. (Brenda Campbell).

8 Whooper Swans were flying towards the Quoile this morning. (Tony Donaldson).

Castle Island hide at the Quoile today at 2.45pm had the Marsh Harrier hunting in front of hide. Kilclief Bay had a Buzzard, Sparrowhawk, 5 Gannets, a Red-throated Diver, Greenshank, 4 Whoopers, family of Brent with 6 young, and 60+ Golden Plover. (Dot Blakely/Noeni Bryars).

2 Swallow were near the entrance to DuPont at Maydown near Derry (William Hiles).

At Ramore Head in Portrush there were 4 Great Northern Divers, 2 Red-throated Diver, 4 Red-breasted Merganser, 7 Teal, a lone Eider, 8 Whooper Swan and 107 Barnacle Geese. Also present were 15 Purple Sandpiper and a single Twite. (Dean Jones).

Thanks to Tony Donaldson for the picture of the Whooper, to Noeni Bryars for the picture of the Buzzard and to Cameron Moore for the picture of the 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull.


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