
Bird News Sunday 20th November

2 Velvet Scoter off Glynn station, also 48 Whooper and a Long Tailed Duck. (Garry Armstrong / Philip West) Two Goosander were also seen (Neal Warnock)

A Snow Bunting was on the beach at White Park Bay, Co Antrim (Wilton Farrelly)

An American Wigeon has been reported at Dundrum Bay, Co Down (Birdguides)

At Greyabbey Bay were 5 Slavonian grebe and a Black-throated Diver. At Horse Island there was a Whimbrel. On 13th 7 Sandwich Tern were south of Millisle‎ and another 3 south of Burial Island. (Richard Weyl)

A first winter Greenland White-fronted Goose was at Larne Lough  (Cameron Moore)

132 Pintail were 300m south of the Maltibgs at Strangford Lough. A Merlin was also at Kearney (John Moore) 

Thanks to our photographers today:

Cameron Moore, Greenland White-fronted Goose:

John Moore, Merlin:

Stephen Maxwell, Mediterranean Gull:

You can see more local bird photographs at:

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