
Bird News Tuesday 22nd November

A pair of Goosanders (male and female) were along the River Main at Slaght, near Ballymena this morning. (David Steele).

A drake Ring-necked Duck and three Scaup were among 11 species of duck at the Quoile this morning. Also three Whoopers (1 juv), Little Egret, adult Mediterranean Gull (with red ring) and a partially leucistic Lapwing. In Killough Harbour there was a Peregrine and an impressive murmuration of Starlings. (Chris and Tim Murphy).

A Brambling was at Islandmagee and a White-fronted Goose was at Steele's Point in Larne Lough, see pictures below. (Cameron Moore).

Thanks to Cameron for the pictures of the Brambling and the White-fronted Goose.


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