
Bird News Wednesday 2nd November

2 Brambling were in a garden at Monea, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

A Merlin was at Ramore Head (Chris Rankin)

A Jack Snipe was at Lower Lough Erne islands RSPB reserve, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

Two Red-throated Divers were off Groomsport (Karl Martin)

The Marsh Harrier was at the Quoile today along with a leucistic Lapwing (Noeni Bryars)

Three Common Scoter were seen on Belfast Lough at Carnalea (Derek Polley)

7 Whooper Swans were at Lough Money this evening (Richard Caves)

Thanks to Karl for this pic of a Red-throated Diver and Noeni for the Marsh Harrier: 

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