
Bird News Monday 5th December

Seven Goosanders, two males and five redheads, were at Lough Island Reavy today. A Red Kite was overhead. (David Nixon)

An immature Iceland Gull was seen at Ballygalley and subsequently at Drains Bay, Larne (Neal Warnock)

Whitehead had a morning flypast of 64 Red-throated Diver and 9 Great Northern Diver between 08.15 - 09.10, all flying into Belfast Lough (Ian Enlander)

There were five Great Northern Divers of Portstewart Head today, (Sean Hickey)

Yesterday a Chiffchaff was seen in woodland at Blacker’s Rock, Lough Neagh, Co. Tyrone. Also a male Stonechat was present in the reedbeds, which are irregular at this site. (Godfrey McRoberts)

A Red Kite was over Dundrum on Sunday morning (Cathal Ferris)

Thanks to Rod Gillan for this pic of Golden Plover at Portstewart Strand and Dessie Loughrey for the Buzzard:

Golden Plover, Rod Gillan:

Buzzard, Dessie Loughrey:

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