
Bird News Saturday 10th December

A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at the mouth of Inver River (looks like Drains Bay bird) & 2 Velvet Scoters were still off Glynn. (Neal Warnock).

Both the Siberian Chiffchaff and the common Chiffchaff were still around the Discovery Centre at Oxford Island. A Little Egret was at the mouth of the Closet River. (Garry Armstrong).

The 1st winter Greenland White-fronted Goose was with Greylags at Glynn. A Slavonian Grebe was also present. (Neal Warnock).

Farland Bank, Inch Lake this morning had 2 Kingfishers, a Smew, 1 Goldeneye, & 2 Mergansers. (Dermot Mc Laughlin & Christine Cassidy).

An escaped Mandarin Duck was in Sionmills. (Brian Hegarty). 

Thanks to Neal Warnock for the picture of the Iceland Gull, to Angus Kennedy for the picture of the Pintails and to Christine Cassidy for the picture of the Smew.

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