
Bird News Monday 9th January

The red head Smew and a Water Rail where at Portmore Lough reserve.(Garry Wilkinson)

A Carrion Crow was feeding in the grounds of the City Hall in Belfast.(Paul McCullough)

The Black Redstart and the flock of Twite where still on show at Whitehead sea front.(Jim McKeown)

3 Goosander (1 male/2female) where on Lough Island Reevy Co Down.(Frank Carroll)

3 Ruff where at N'ards floodgates.(Ross McIIWrath)

The Green-winged Teal continues to be seen at the Ecos centre.(G McGeehan/S.Dunlop)

A Cattle Egret seen at Whitehouse Lagoon has been reported to Irishbirding.

Our thanks to Gavin Ferguson who kindly sent in the pics  from Whitehead of the Black Redstart and the flock of Twite:

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