
Bird News Saturday 14th January

The drake Ring-Necked Duck was showing well at the lake at Castle Ward NT, Co Down (Daniel Newton)

35+ Waxwing are at the bottom of Lower Cairncastle Road, Larne (Neal Warnock).

Dargan Bay and Greencastle areas had 21 Common Scoter, 27 Scaup and 700 Shelduck. Whitehouse Lagoon had 1 Pintail. (Ian Enlander).

The red head Smew and a Little Egret were at Portmore Lough this afternoon. (Clive Mellon).

A Kingfisher was at the outfall of Patton's Marsh, tidebank, Newtownards this morning. (Hilary McKee), 

A Black Redstart was at Annalong Harbour. (David Knight).

The Great White Egret was still at Drumgay Lough in Co. Fermanagh. (Ronan Owens)

A juvenile and a 2nd winter Iceland Gull, 4 Lesser Black Backs and a "Viking" type hybrid were at Enniskillen Dump. (Brad Robson).

The Black Redstart is still at Whitehead with over 50 Twite (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop & Cecil Smyth)

The 40+ Waxwing flock is still at Loughgall Road in Portadown and includes one bird that was ringed at Ballater in Royal Deeside, Aberdeen on 10th December last year. If you find a colour-ringed Waxwing you can report it to the Grampian Ringing Group at and help to track the Waxwing spread across the country. (James O'Neill).

Thanks to Cecil Smyth for the picture of the Black Redstart, to Lillian Cummings for the picture of the Purple Sandpiper, to Rod Gillan for the picture of the Redwing and to James O'Neill for the picture of the Waxwing.



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