
Bird News Thursday 5th January

57 Waxwings are now at Carniny Rd, Ballymena. (Jeff Larkin).

Two Ravens were among 39 species seen at Belfast Lough WOW RSPB reserve this morning. (Jim McKeown).

The Red-head Smew was still at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve and a flock of up to 6 Yellowhammer were at the Quoile Pondage. (John & Michael Cusack).

A single Waxwing was in a garden in Greenland Crescent in Larne. (Geraldine Seymour).

Yesterday the Great White Egret was still at Rosscor in Co. Fermanagh. (Peter Taylor).

3 Jack Snipe, 212 Snipe and 4 Little Egrets were at Lower Lough Erne, Co. Fermanagh today. (Brad Robson).

You can report rare and scarce birds via email:  Twitter @nibirds  or via text on the numbers at the top of this page. Thanks to everyone who shares sightings!

Thanks to Geraldine Seymour for the Waxwing picture and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Brent Geese.


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