
Bird News Tuesday 31st January

A Water Rail was showing along the River Lagan this morning. (Tom Ennis & Tony Dodds).

20 Black Guillemot and 20 Turnstone, all showing signs of summer plumage, were at Netwalk, Killyleagh this morning. (Spencer & Joan Marshall)

A first winter Iceland Gull was at Larne Harbour this lunchtime (Neal Warnock).

A Chiffchaff was just south of the flyover along the Newry Canal at Carnbane this morning, this is a different bird to the one seen in the area recently.  ( Frank Carroll).

The red head Smew was still at Portmore RSPB. (Birdguides).

A Dipper was on the Glen Stream at Rostrevor. (Gerard Tinnelly).

Thanks to Jane McLaughlin for the picture of the female Blackcap.


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