
Bird News Wednesday 11th January

The 2nd winter Ring-billed Gull was still at The Round O, Enniskillen. A first Winter Iceland Gull and a third winter Glaucous Gull were at Enniskillen Dump (Wilton Farrelly)

The Black Redstart and Twite flock were still at Whitehead, Co Antrim (Richard Hunter/Jason Bain)

A possible male Lesser Scaup was seen at Oxford Island. The wing pattern was not observed. (Joe Devlin)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still on the lake at Nationals Trust Castle Ward (Garry Wilkinson)

Ring-billed Gull, Wilton Farrelly and thanks to Jason Bain for the pictures of the Black Redstart, Twite and Purple Sandpiper

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