
Bird News Sunday 12th February

Three Goosanders (inc 2 males) were at Waterfoot & another male at Glenarm, where there are now 7 Twite. A Carrion Crow was at Ballygally. (Neal Warnock)

The Spoonbill was still at Castle Espie (Ronald Surgenor)

The Twite flock were still at Whitehead (David Stirling).

5 Waxwing were in trees on the Knockmore Road between Trinity Methodist Church and the junction with Prince William Road in Lisburn. (Garry Armstrong).

A Red Kite and a Buzzard were at Altnataggart in the Mournes this morning. (David Cooper).

A Chiffchaff has been at Upperlands Dams (Londonderry) for the past 2 weeks (David Morrow).

Thanks to David Stirling for the picture of the Twite, to Ronald Surgenor for the picture of the Spoonbill, to John Moore for the picture of the Dipper and to Cecil Smyth for the picture of the Fieldfare.


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