
Bird News Wednesday 8th February

The Black Redstart was still at the Wrens Eggs/Port Davey area on the path to Blackhead (Ian Enlander).

Strangford Lough at the Netwalk in Killyleagh this morning had 12 Razorbill and 6 Black Guillemot, all in summer plumage, and 2 Guillemot and a Sandwich Tern. (Spencer & Joan Marshall).

The Waxwing flock were still at the bottom of Oriel road in Antrim (Richard Hunter)

The Spoonbill was spotted again today at Castle Espie, roosting at the pier, at high tide. (Toni Costello)

An adult Mediterranean Gull was at Bangor Marina (Stuart McQueen)

A White-fronted Goose was with the Whooper Swan flock at Cullyhanna, Co Armagh (Joe Devlin)

A Common Sandpiper and 4 Little Egrets were at Lower Lough Erne Islands RSPB Reserve (Brad Robson)

Thanks to Stuart McQueen for this pic of the Med Gull:

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