
Bird News Friday 31st March

The drake American Wigeon was still at Dundrum Inner Bay, at high tide. (David Nixon)

A male Brambling was still in Portstewart yesterday and today (Rod Gillan)
A Willow Warbler was along the Newry Canal (Frank Carroll)

Swallows were seen at Kilroot at lunchtime today (Linda Thompson)

Redwings were heard migrating over Co Down last night (Robin Vage)

White Wagtail was at Lower lough erne islands RSPB reserve Fermanagh today (Brad Robson)
A 2nd winter Glaucous Gull was briefly in Portrush Harbour and a Swallow was near Ramore Head(Colin Guy)

A Swallow was seen yesterday and today at a smallholding near Ballynahinch. (Andrew Bingham).

Approximately 20 Swallows were at the Quoile today. (Terry Hanna).

Thanks to Terry Hanna for the pictures of the Little Egret and the Rock Pipit.


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