
Bird News Monday 27th March

The drake American Wigeon was still at the blue bridge south of Dundrum this morning (Paul McCullough)

Rathlin Island today had a small Canada Goose from an unknown source, a male Wheatear,2 Sand Martins , 1 Redwing, a Carrion Crow, a Chough, 9 Jackdaws, 2 Twite and 10+ Goldcrests (Colin Guy)

3 Sandwich Tern where at the RSPB Belfast reserve.(Kevin Kirkham-Brown/Tom Ennis)

Blacker’s Rock, Lough Neagh, Co. Tyrone Sat 25/3/17 had a leucistic Black- tailed Gdwit amongst a flock of 40.(Godfrey McRoberts)

News from Rathlin Island:
Sunday 26th March. 1 Brambling at Kinramer Cottage. 1 Grey Wagtail 'in off' at Rue Point. 1 Chiffchaff. Goldcrests everywhere at Kinramer. Numerous Wheatears. 
 Monday 27th March: 3 Crossbills, 2 Mistle Thrushes, 1 Willow Warbler 1 Yellowhammer and 1 Grey Wagtail, all in the Kinramer area. Also 4 Siskins flying around near the seabird centre and the first Puffin of the year (Richard Else )

A pair of Little Egrets were at Castle Archdale, Co Fermanagh today. (Sheila McGirr)

A Wheatear was today on rocks at the east end of Ballyholme beach, Bangor. (Ian McKee)

The first Manx Shearwaters of the year were ringed on Copeland last Friday night (CBO) 

Our thanks to Steven Robinson for the mating Kestrels and also to Christine Cassidy for the freshly arrived Wheatear.

Cuckoo Records:

Mark the return of Spring by listening out for the cuckoo!
Help in recording what is for many the distinctive sound of Spring – the call of the cuckoo. If you see or hear a cuckoo please submit your record online.
The Centre for Environmental Data and Recording (CEDaR) is asking for people to report when they see or hear a Cuckoo using the newly launched online recording facility.
The Cuckoo is a rapidly declining species Red Listed as a bird of conservation concern in the UK. They arrive from Africa in April and May and sing throughout the Spring. They are much more likely to heard than seen. Their calls are distinctive but can be mistaken for Collared Dove and Woodpigeon.
More information on the Cuckoo can be found on the Priority Species of Northern Ireland website.
If you see or hear a Cuckoo then please visit and submit your record.

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