
Bird News Saturday 11th March

A Yellow-browed Warbler was ringed on Copeland Bird Observatory today, probably the first spring record in NI. There were also good numbers of Goldcrests. (Chris Acheson & David Stirling).

The American Wigeon was at  Dundrum Bay South, giving excellent views from the A2 at the blue bridge over the Moneycarragh river, 30 feet from shore (John Cusack,  Michael Cusack and Vanessa Dunn)

A Wheatear was on the beach near Newcastle, where the golf links meets the Murlough reserve. (Dan Baillie)

The Black Redstart remains at Whitehead, but the popular Twite flock have moved on.(Cameron Moore)

The male Smew was still present at Inch in Donegal, the Ruddy Shelduck was also still present. (Birdguides).

The Black Redstart was still at the boatyard in Whitehead. (Birdguides).

Thanks to David Stirling for the picture of the Yellow-browed Warbler, to Thomas Campbell for the picture of the Red Kite and to Wilf Swain for the picture of the Goldfinch


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