
Bird News Saturday 25th March

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Belvoir Park, close to the RSPB centre. (Christine and Stephen Armstrong)

A Sandwich Tern was at Crawfordsburn this morning (Michael Latham)

On the east side Strangford Lough were 73 Slavonian Grebe, mostly in full summer plumage - 56 between Greyabbey and Kircubbin, 10 east of Chapel Island and 7 north of Newtownards Sailing Cub. (Richard Weyl)

This morning a Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard across the Quoile estuary at the first car park, and a female Merlin was hawking among the old RAF huts at Killard. (Dougie Gamble)

2 Sand Martins were near Runkerry Head Co. Antrim (Colin Guy)

A Black Redstart, a 2w Iceland Gull, 5 Chiffchaffs, 40+ Goldcrests, 4 Twite, 2 Whimbrel & a Chough were on Rathlin today (Neal Warnock)

Thanks to Thomas Campbell for this pic of a Red Kite in Co Down:

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