
Bird News Wednesday 8th March

A first year Glaucous Gull flew past White Rocks, Portrush and an adult Mediterranean Gull was on the seafront at Ballycastle. (Colin Guy).

A male Goosander was at Waterfoot bridge, Co. Antrim this morning. (Ian Enlander).

The American Wigeon and a Merlin were at the south end of Dundrum inner bay at low tide. (Ronald Surgenor).

The Kumlien's Gull was roosting at Belfast Lough RSPB WOW reserve this evening. (Daniel Newton).

Two Ruff were also at RSPB WOW (Gerard McGeehan)

Thanks to Colin Guy for the picture of the Mediterranean Gull, to Ronald Surgenor for the picture of the Merlin and to Stephen Foster for the picture of the Purple Sandpiper.


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