
Bird News Sunday 23rd April

Please see the separate post about the Avocets in Belfast.

Late news for yesterday was that a Ring-billed Gull was at The Round-O, Enniskillen. However this bird was in adult breeding plumage and it is a possibility that it is a different bird to that which wintered (Brad Robson)

This morning two Common Sandpipers are at Kinnegar and Reed Warblers are singing (Daniel Newton)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was still present at the Quoile pondage (Ian Graham)

A 1st summer Little Gull was at Belfast Wow Reserve (Jeff Larkin)

Whimbrels  are being widely reported from all over the province, thanks to everyone for the info.

Lough Beg this morning was fairly quiet but had 40 White Wagtails, two Greenland Wheatears, 1200 Black-tailed Godwits and three male Ruff. (David Steele)

A female Garganey at Portavoe Reservoir.(Richard Weyl)

A Sedge Warbler and 2 Common Sandpipers were at Castle Island today (Chris Henry)

The 3rd year Iceland Gull was at Ushet Lough, Rathlin. At least 40 Wheatears were on the southern arm of the island, many showing the characteristics of the Greenland race. Willow Warblers were everywhere. Also seen was a Greenland White-fronted Goose, Sedge Warbler,and Blackcap (Colin Guy)

We would like to pass on our sympathies to the family of Julian Greenwood who has died suddenly today.

Wheatear  - Christine Cassidy.

Little Grebe - John Moore.

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