
Bird News Tuesday 18th April

A Cuckoo was calling at Teiges Mountain near Brookeborough, Co Fermanagh. (Clive Mellon). Two further Cuckoos were calling at Lough Fea (Shane McGarvey).

A Whitethroat was singing from scrub, on the North Down coastal path at Seahill (Ronald Surgenor)

The juv Dark-bellied Brent was still among 854 Brents in Killough Hbr today, The Ist w Iceland Gull also present, along with 5 Whimbrel and 1 Greenshank. Golden Plovers numbers down to c.150 with one flock of 120 birds watched flying away northwards at noon (Chris Murphy)

A Rathlin update for the last couple of days:
17th April: A reasonable fall of migrants had arrived in the morning - the western tip of the island had the first Sedge Warbler of the year, House Martin, 2 Siskins, several Swallows, Blackcap and lots of Willow Warblers and Goldcrests, as well as 3 lingering Redwings and an assortment of Redpolls buzzing around overhead. Near the West Light there were 3 White Wagtails and an increased number of Wheatears heading north. 18th April: Two Common Sandpipers were in the harbour and 2 White Wagtails were on the beach. A few Swallows and House Martins are passing through and 2 Fieldfares flew over. At least 9 Wheatears are around the West Light (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

Thanks to David Hill for this pic of a male Stonechat:

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