
Bird News Friday 26th May

A Temmincks Stint, was in the bay to the left hand side of Church Island this morning. An Osprey was also present (Billy Miskelly)

A male Whinchat half way to the West Light, Rathlin Island this morning.(Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

A Dark-belled Brent, was still at Dundrum Inner Bay, with two pale bellied Brent, Co Down.(David Nixon)

On Tory Island were a Turtle Dove, 3 Spotted Flycatchers /2 Willow Warblers /18 Collared Doves /3 Chiffchaffs /a Cuckoo / Iceland Gull and a Blackcap (Davy Hunter)
Male Eider - Christine Beggs.

Dunlin - Jason Bain.

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