
Bird News Sunday 21st May

The two Dark-bellied Brent were at Kinnegar Shore and the summer breeding plumaged Ruff was at RSPB WoW Belfast (Garry Armstrong)

A Great Skua, a pale morph Arctic Skua and a Red-throated Diver flew south past the Isle of Muck, Islandmagee. (Jeff Larkin)

An Osprey was at Lough Melvin Co. Fermanagh this afternoon. (Michael Stinson)

A female Marsh Harrier was at Copeland Bird Observatory this afternoon (CBO / Richard Donaghey)

Two Great Skuas landed on the lake at Keeble in Rathlin (Brian Halligan)

Many thanks to Lilian Cummings for this pic of one of the male Ruff that have been at RSPB WoW:

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