
Bird News Tuesday 2nd May

A dark-bellied Brent Goose was still at Kinnegar Shore this morning. (Ronald Surgenor)

A Little Ringed Plover is at Paddy's Dubh, Lough Beg (Davy Hunter)

2 singing Reed Warblers were at Blacker’s Rock, Lough Neagh, Co. Tyrone. Also present were 1 pr of Scaup, 1 pr of Goldeneye and 15 Pochard (13 males and 2 females). (Godfrey McRoberts)

Yesterday afternoon an Osprey flew past the shore at Holywood, heading east out of Belfast Lough. (Suzanne Belshaw)

2 Whitethroat were at Whitehead (Gerard McGeehan / Shirley Dunlop). One was also at Murlough, Co Down (Philip McErlean)

Two Dark-bellied Brent, an adult and juvenile (not together) were at Dundrum South Inner Bay. Only 37 Light-bellied Brent were seen in the bay. (David Nixon)

The first summer Little Gull was at RSPB WoW (Daniel Newton)

A drake Garganey was at the Kinnego Hide, Oxford Island (Thomas Campbell)

An Iceland Gull was at Seapark, Greenisland (David Stirling)

Today at Kinnegar Shore were 4 Light-bellied Brent Geese, 3 Dark-bellied Brent Geese & 7 "Icelandic Type" Golden Plovers. At RSPB WoW were circa 30 Common Terns and 2 Sandwich Terns (Tom Ennis)

At least two more Whinchat (making it 4 birds in total) were seen today on Rathlin (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

Whimbrel are currently very widespread and been reported in good numbers.

Thanks to John Moore for this pic of a

Great Skua (Bonxie) off Rathlin, John Moore:
Drake Garganey, Thomas Campbell:

Osprey, Suzanne Belshaw:

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