
Bird News Tuesday 9th May

Late news for yesterday was that a Hoopoe was seen near the entrance to Tubbys Farm, Hillsborough, Co Down. (per Eric Randall)

A White-billed Diver was seen off Tory Island (Robert Vaughan)

A Grasshopper Warbler, Whinchat, Jackdaw and two late Fieldfares were at the west end of Rathlin this morning. Four Common Sandpipers and a Grey Wagtail were at the harbour. Redwing and Whinchat were seen yesterday, plus a little influx of Whitethroats and Blackcaps. It has been a good week for Whinchats with possibly as many as nine different individuals seen around the island. (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)
12 Brent Geese were still present at Kinnegar shore: 2 Ad. Dark-bellied Brents plus 10 Pale-bellied Brents today. (Tom Ennis)
The Marsh Sandpiper was still at the Swords Estuary today.

Thanks to Rod Gillan for these pics of Common Terns at RSPB WoW:

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