
Bird News Wednesday 3rd May

Continuing with the Dark-bellied Brent sightings, one adult was with 19 Light-bellied birds at Mill Quarter Bay in Strangford Narrows. 39 Whimbrel were at Kilclief. (David Nixon).

A Barn Owl flew along the hard shoulder of the A26 on outskirts of Ballymena from direction of Ballymoney at 1.20 am. (Rod Gillan).

Two Little Egret were feeding together at Whitehouse Lagoon. (Jim McKeown).

A 2nd year Iceland Gull was flying around the North East corner of Rathlin. Also good numbers of Wheatears present and a Collared Dove which is unusual there. Yesterday a sub-adult Glaucous Gull flew past Torr Head. (Colin Guy).

Thanks to David Steele for the picture of the Little Ringed Plover from yesterday.

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