
Bird News Monday 24th July.

On Rathlin today a dark phase Arctic Skua was harassing gulls at Ushet lough. 11 Wheatears and 5 Whimbrel were at Rue Point.(Colin Guy)

Late news yesterday of a Common Crane in a field on the left between Maghera park and ride on
Glenshane Road and Knockloughrim.(Craig Nash).

Also from yesterday... WOW reserve in Belfast had 5 Common Sands. 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 Med Gull. 4 Yellowhammer and 9 Greenshank where seen on the Ballydrain Rd Co Down.(Gerard McGeehan/Shirley Dunlop)

Photographed at Antrim Marina today by Gareth Platt this Lesser Black - backed Gull was ringed as a 1st calendar year male at Langvannet in Norway - 30th September 2016.  It went to southern Morocco for it's summer holidays when spotted at Sidi R'bat, on April 18th 2017. Just shows how some birds travel around.

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