
Bird News Sunday 23rd July

Yesterday a Reed Warbler was outside the hide at the Quoile Pondage, see picture below. (Stan Davidson).

A Ruff, Little Egret and 2 Common Sandpipers were at Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve this afternoon. (Kevin Kirkham-Brown).

Several Common Sandpipers were at Whitehead. (Michael Latham).

The Forsters Tern was still at Soldiers Point in Co. Louth this morning. (Daniel Newton).

An Osprey was at Lough Beg this evening. (Gary Cunningham)

Reed Warblers were also around Kinnegoe Hide at Oxford Island. (David Hill).

A pale phase Arctic Skua was off the Gobbins this afternoon. (Richard Woods).

Thanks to Stan Davidson for the picture of the Reed Warbler, to Michael Latham for the picture of the Common Sandpiper and to David Hill for the picture of the Sedge Warbler.


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