
Bird News Thursday 17th August

This morning Belfast Lough RSPB reserve had a Ruff, Common Sandpiper, Raven and a Sparrowhawk. (Derek Polley).

A Mediterranean Gull was at Whitehead, see picture below. (Cameron Moore).

Two Little Egrets were feeding at Islandmagee bridge. (Jim McKeown).

A Whooper Swan was on the River Lagan between Lisburn and Hilden. (Ian Enlander).

A Kingfisher was off Kinnegoe hide at Oxford Island (Shane McGarvey).

A summer plumaged Red Throated Diver was at Marconi's, Ballycastle. A Purple Sandpiper was at Ramore Head . (Colin Guy).

Thanks to Cameron Moore for the pictures of the Mediterranean Gull and the Common Tern and to Ian Enlander for the pictures of the Whooper Swan and the Kingfisher.

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