
Bird News Wednesday 9th August

Late news for yesterday was that a Turtle Dove was seen at New Road, Donaghadee. This could be the same bird seen in the area earlier in the summer (Billy Miskelly)

On Lough Neagh an Osprey was just north of Ballyronan (Shane McGarvey)

Little Egrets seem to have had another successful breeding season. 40+ were at Dundrum Bay yesterday (Fulton Somerville) and 26 were in Killough Harbour this morning - where the previous highest count was 16 (Chris Murphy)

Two Crossbills were in Kinramer Wood, Rathlin this morning. (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

The Bann Estuary was still holding the Spotted Redshank now in quite grey plumage; also present: 1 Greenshank, 1 Ruff, 60 Dunlin one of which was a "leucistic" bird, 6 Sanderling, 25 Black-tailed Godwits, 12 Bar-tailed Godwits, 50 Sandwich Tern, 1 Little Egret and 1 Peregrine. (Hill Dick)

Thanks to Jason and Jeff for our pics this evening. You can see more local bird pics at:

Cormorants, Jeff Silvers:

 Wheatear, Jason Bain:

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