
Bird News Friday 22nd September

3 Pomarine Skua, 1 Arctic Skua, 6 Great Northern Diver, 7 Arctic Tern, 30 Manx Shearwater and 50 Black Guillemots flew past St John's Point between 12noon-2pm. (Tim Murphy)

33 Ruff and a juvenile Curlew Sandpiper were at the Mullagh, Lough Beg (David Steele)

12 Pink-footed Geese were at Myroe (David Hill)

There was no sign of the reported Red-breasted Flycatcher today.

A Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Ruff were at the Bann Estuary (Colin Guy)

A Barn Owl was seen this evening on open ground close to Dermott Hill, west Belfast (Stephen Corr)

Thanks to Wilf and David for the pics below:

Pink-footed Geese, David Hill:

Male Sparrowhawk, Wilf Swain: 

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