
Bird News Thursday 14th September

Ten Ruff were at RSPB WoW this morning (Derek Polley)

Sea watching from Rue Point, Rathlin this morning produced: 1 Storm Petrel, 3 Great Skuas, 4 Arctic Skuas, 40 Brent Geese, 7 Common Scoters and 1 Arctic Tern. (Richard Else and Hazel Watson)

A juvenile Little Gull was at RSPB WOW (Daniel Newton)

A seawatch at Melmore, Co Donegal Produced 46 bonxies, 18 Arctic Skuas, 2 Poms, 31 Sooties, 30 Arctic Terns, 125 Kittiwakes, 2 Common Scoter, 4 Red-throated Diver and a Great Northern Diver. A Peregrine was also seen making repeated attempts to catch Manx Shearwaters and then a Dunlin (Eric Randall)

Thanks to Stehen Maxwell for these pictures of two Ruff at RSPB WOW:

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