
Bird News Tuesday 19th September.

A Lapland Bunting was on the Giants Causeway path towards Runkerry Point.(Colin Guy)

3 Ruffs were at the south end of Dundrum South Inner Bay  (same area where 3 were seen regularly last winter). An adult Mediterranean Gull was with 300 Sanderlings at the high tide roost between the Glen River and Rock Pool in Newcastle. (David Nixon)

Yesterday..a Chough was near Rue Point , Rathlin. The island was otherwise rather quiet with 2 Chiffchaffs, a flock of 20 Skylarks and a pale phase Arctic Skua from the Ferry The Chough may be the last NI Bird with no breeding this year.(Colin Guy)

Our thanks to David Nixon of the ad. Med. Gull. Also to Dave Bakewell who kindly sent in these pics of the American Golden Plover(right hand bird) and the Buff-breasted Sandpiper,(the Plover and Sandpiper where both photographed yesterday).  

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