
Bird News Saturday 21st October.

9 Ruff where in a field at the 12 arches, Murlough Co Down.(David Nixon)

A seawatch from Ballycastle produced...5 Great Skua, 3 Arctic Skua, 1 Pom.Skua an ad Sabines Gull, juv Black Tern, 6 Great Northern Diver, 5000+Kittiwakes.(  Neal Warnock)

At Kearney a Chiffchaff (noticeably pale but not calling), a Blackcap and 6 Whooper Swans. 2 Little Stint at Drumfad Bay, Millisle, a Great Skua ‎at Burial Island and a Wheatear at Ballywalter.(Richard Weyl)

20 House Martin where over Castleward heading towards Portaferry.(Dan Barry)

Redwings are now widely reported.

A Barn Owl was seen in a garden near Maze racecourse last night.(Garry Wilkinson)

Ruff - David Nixon.

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