
Bird News Sunday 8th October

A Wryneck was on Copeland Bird Observatory this morning.(CBO) This is only the second record for the Observatory and only the fourth record for Northern Ireland  

A Yellow- browed Warbler was at the small pine wood on the southern side of Kearney (Garry Armstrong)

Ramore Head this morning had 2 Sooty Shearwaters, 1 Bonxie, 3 Red-throated Diver, 1 Great Northern Divers and 17 Whoopers (Daniel Newton)

7 Slavonian Grebe were at Greyabbey Bay. 4 Swallow and 14 Red-throated Diver were at Ballyquintin Point. A Whimbrel was at Orlock Point and a Merlin was seen flying from Big Copeland to Donaghadee. (Richard Weyl)

The Snow Bunting was at Ramore head at 2.20 pm (Denver Shiels).

4 Mediterranean Gulls, 3 adults and a 1st winter, were at Ballywalter, another Mediterranean Gull, a 2nd year bird was at Lough Cowie. (Garry Armstrong, Wilton Farrelly & Ian Graham).

A pair of Red Kite were over a field on the main Rostrevor to Hilltown Road this afternoon. (Michael Holgate).

Mullagh, Lough Beg this afternoon had a Green Sandpiper, Little Stint and 90 Ruff, also two Chiffchaffs and 25 Swallows. (David Steele).

A Red Kite was on Lighthouse Road outside Leitrim, Co. Down. The bird had a green wingtag, possibly number 34. (Bill Guiller).

Many thanks to CBO for the picture of the Wyneck, to Cecil Smyth for the picture of the Buzzard and to Bill Guiller for the picture of the Red Kite:

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