
Bird News Thursday 12th October

A Yellow-browed Warbler was on Copeland Bird Observatory this morning. The Wryneck was also still present. (David Galbraith)

A Red Kite was just outside Downpatrick flying over Killough Road (Emma Mulholland)

A Snow Bunting, 52 Whooper Swans & 3 Twite were the best on a blustery Rathlin today (Neal Warnock)

On Carlingford Lough high counts of Shag (minimum of 350 on Green Island, Block House and associated reefs near Greencastle) and Great Black-backed Gull (minimum 120 in south-east side of Mill Bay) were seen (Ian Enlander)

A Hen Harrier was hunting along the Quoile River, Downpatrick (Michael O'Dwyer)

Over 80 Red Breasted Mergansers were off Whiteabbey this morning (Gerard McLaughlin)

Lurgangreen, Co Louth had 1500 + Golden Plover, 60 Grey Plover, 2 Curlew Sandpiper, 130 Ruff & 3 Swallows. (Fulton Somerville)

Many thanks to David for this pic of the Yellow-browed Warbler and Michael for the Hen Harrier:

Yellow-browed Warbler, David Galbraith:

Hen Harrier, Michael O'Dwyer:

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