
Bird News Thursday 26th October

A Great White Egret was at Ardmore shore, Lough Neagh (Joe Devlin)

The red head Goosander is still in Dundrum South Inner Bay (David Nixon)

Twelve Twite were at Whitehead boatyard (Cameron Moore)

At Whitehead pm 2 swallows feeding above houses overlooking the boatyard ( Larry Toal)

A Little Stint was at Myroe and around 500 Whooper Swans were in fields nearby. About 15 Ruff were in fields at Ballykelly Marsh. At Portmore Lough there was a large number of Pochard and a male Marsh Harrier was seen briefly (Garry Wilkinson, Nigel Moore, Andrew Cleave)

RSPB WoW had a Ruff and 2 Peregrine. 33 Red-breasted Mergansers were at Kinnegar. (Derek Polley)

At least 120 Whooper Swans were in a stubble field near Moira (David Hunter)

30 Twite were at Magilligan Point (Colin Guy)

Thanks to Ginny McKee for this pic of a Twite from Sandy Bay, Larne:

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