
Bird News Friday 3rd November

A Glossy Ibis was at Lough Beg this afternoon. It was very flightly and settled just briefly at the southwest corner. Also one of the White-rumped Sandpipers was still present and three Little Stints at Mullagh. (David Steele)

The Twite count at Whitehead boatyard is now up to 41. (Cameron Moore/Gerald McGeehan)

Just to keep everyone up to date the Nuthatch seen at Belvoir Forest park was looked for again but with no luck....there should be much more people looking for it over the week-end, if  anyone does happen to catch a glimpse please report it to the blog

Slightly further afield...600 Barnacle Geese where at Culduff Co.Donegal(Christine Cassidy/Lindsay Hodges)

Thanks to David Knight for this pic of the Snow Bunting at Slieve Gullion:

Barnacle Geese in flight - Christine Cassidy,

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