
Bird News Saturday 11th November

Lough Beg this pm had a Great White Egret on the western shoreline, a Red-necked Grebe (1st-winter, quite likely a new bird) off Mullagh, a White-rumped sandpiper (flight views only) and a little stint in the southwest corner. A total of ca 30 Ruff were in the area and ten Greenland White-fronted Geese flew south. (David Steele)

The Spoonbill was back at Anne’s Point, Strangford Lough. Two Scaup and a female Long-tailed Duck were north of Newtownards Yacht Club (Wilton Farrelly)

Two Twite were at Luke’s Point, Bangor (George Henderson)

Six Snow Bunting, 4 Twite and a Brambling were on Rathlin (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

There are now 10 Pink-footed Geese at Dundrum Inner Bay (David Nixon)

At Ballyquintin Point a Short-eared owl, a Merlin and 100 Tree sparrow. At Cloughey there were 2 Ruff and north of Kearney 160+ Whooper swan. (Richard Weyl)

Yesterday at least 15 Twite were at Whitehead Boatyard (Philip Mcerlean).

A Red Kite was over Moneyslane this afternoon. (Karen Elliott).

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