
Bird News Sunday 19th November

A Hawfinch was in the Yew Trees at Inch Abbey, Downpatrick (Wilton Farrelly)

The drake American Wigeon was again at Ardilea and the 10 Pink-footed Geese at Dundrum Bay South and 34 Twite at Tyrella (Garry Armstrong)

A Black-throated Diver was seen off Kinnegar (Daniel Newton)

The Green-winged Teal was still present at Ecos Centre, Ballymena (Daniel Newton)

8 Crossbills were at the Tollymore Outdoor Centre (Wilton Farrelly)

The Spoonbill was at Anne’s Point. 10 Slavonian Grebe were in Greyabbey Bay and another 2 at Gransha Point (with 9 Great Northern Diver). Yesterday there was a Jack snipe at Ballyhenry Island and 208 Whooper swan and 6 Black-tailed godwit at Kearney (Richard Weyl).

A female Merlin and a Little Egret were at Ardmore Point on the south shore of Lough Neagh this evening. (James O'Neill).

Two Peregrines, male and female, were over Ballynahinch town centre this afternoon. A Black Redstart was at the outfall near the Borstal at Millisle beach, it flew along the rocks southwards after dog disturbance. (Garry Wilkinson).

Thanks to Christine Beggs for the picture of the Purple Sandpiper, to Linda Thompson for the picture of the female Scaup and to Mark Elliott for the picture of the Rock Pipit:


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