
Bird News Tuesday 14th November.

Rathlin Island had...a ringtail Hen Harrier, 7 Long-tailed Tits and a Twite at the west end, and 4 White-fronted Geese on the north cliffs. (Ric Else/Hazel Watson)

A Snow Bunting was at Kearney Co.Down this morning.The bird was on the coastal path after the last cottage (Heather Parker)

2 Bramblings are visiting a garden on the Cotterhill Rd, Downpatrick.(Christopher Passmore)

Slightly further afield ...Malin Head Co.Donegal had 500 Barnacle Geese, a Merlin, 7 Chough.(Christine Cassidy/Lindsay Hodges)

Brambling - Christopher Passmore.

Snow Bunting - Heather Parker

Merlin - Lindsay Hodges

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