
Bird News Sunday 24th December

A Merlin was in the Ballymccormick area of Bangor. (Derek Polley).

The two female Goosanders were still at Loughbrickland Lough. (Mike McLaughlin).

A leucistic "speckled" Jackdaw was at Glenarm.(Paul Tout).

Two small flocks of Whooper Swans were in fields near Kearney and a Merlin was on the Barrhall Road. (John Moore).

Late news from yesterday was a 3rd year Glaucous Gull flying past the White Rocks at Portrush. (Colin Guy).

12 Purple Sandpipers were at Pickie Park, Bangor and 100+ Whooper Swans were at Craigantlet (Wilton Farrelly)

Thanks to John Moore for the picture of a Goldcrest:

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