
Bird News Sunday 3rd December

The drake American Wigeon was still at Ardilea, Co Down (Garry Armstrong)

The drake Green-winged Teal was still at the Ecos Centre, Ballymena (Jeff Larkin)

The juvenile diver was on show again at Dundrum, off the Quay. It does not seem to show a white flank typical of Black-throated Diver. (Tim Murphy, Philip West, et al). Any further pictures of the bird would be appreciated. The bird flew off into Dundrum Outer Bay at 3.55p.m.

Dargan Bay / Giants Park early afternoon had 3 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Red-throated Diver and c140 Greater Scaup. (Daniel Newton)

A Hen Harrier was at Portmore Lough (Linda Thompson)

Two Greenland White-fronted Geese were at The Quoile (Wilton Farrelly)

Six Goosander were at Lough Island Reevy, Castlewellan (Garry Armstrong).

Three Red-throated Divers were off the Boathouse in Helen's Bay. (Kevin Kirkham-Brown, Dot Blakely, Caroline & Stanley Carson).

Ten Whooper Swans flew south over Dundrum and a Ruff was in Dundrum Inner Bay. (Tim Murphy).

3 no.Twite where at Glenarm harbour car park this afternoon.(Pauline Majury). 

Hen Harrier, Lind Thompson:

Red Kite, Armoy, Dick Glasgow:
Twite, Kenny Majury:

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