
Bird News Friday 19th January

A Glossy Ibis is at Portmore Lough (RSPB)

There were 4 Goosander on Lough Island reavy this morning. Two males and two redheads. (Clive Mellon)

A 2nd Winter Iceland Gull is at RSPB Belfast (Daniel Newton) Three Twite were also seen.(Stuart McKee)

The Goosander was still at the Waterworks, Antrim Rd Belfast.(Stuart McKee).

The Ruff was still at Dundrum Inner Bay.(David Nixon)

A Waxwing was in Bangor (Irish Birding)

A Great Spotted Woodpecker was at Drumatee Road, Markethill today. It spent some time in a tree by the bird feeding area. (Hazel Wilson)

Yesterday a high count of 8 Greenshank were at Whitehouse Lagoon, Newtownabbey. (Stuart McKee)

Local birders may be interested in this new Friends of Oxford Island Facebook page:

The photograph below of this interesting Gull which can be seen at the Waterworks, Belfast... the bare parts and shape of head suggest Common Gull but the upperparts and  the tertial pattern does point towards Ring-billed Gull, could this bird be a hybrid, it has happened in Northern Ireland before. The Black-headed Gull in foreground gives good comparison of the grey upperparts colour...any suggestions on this bird would be most welcome.

Our thanks to Liam Philliban for the pic of the Glossy Ibis, also to Anthony Day for the  very unusual pic of this leucistic ,the photo was taken of Donaghadee, facing the Copelands. Bottom pic from David Nixon of the Ruff at Dundrum Inner Bay.

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