
Bird News Friday 26th January

On Rathlin today were 11 White-fronted Geese, a 3cy Glaucous Gull off the West Light & a flock of 80 Siskins (Ric Else / Hazel Watson)

There was an Adult Glaucous Gull at Landsdown car park, Portrush this afternoon (John Clarke)

2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers were at Florencecourt estate Fermanagh (P Fogg) 

A new juv Iceland Gull was at Enniskillen dump, a Great Norther Diver was calling on lower lough erne. Late news from Wednesday. A Jack Snipe was on Lower Lough Erne islands RSPB reserve, Co Fermanagh (Brad Robson)

Two Iceland Gulls were at RSPB Belfast WoW early evening (Daniel Newton)

19 Whoopers flew south over Markethill this morning (John Anderson)

John Parkinson has had one of his photos included in the National Geographic Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the week #124. (Scroll down to Photo 7 on the link below):

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