
Bird News Sunday 7th January

The Ring-billed Gull was showing well at Carrickfergus early afternoon. 4 Long-tailed Ducks were also off the harbour (Daniel Newton)

The Great Northern Diver was still at Portstewart Head (Sean Hickey)

Two Black-throated Divers were sen of Groomsport this afternoon (Denis Chambers)

An adult type Iceland Gull was at Waterfoot and 2 Pink-footed Geese were with 65 Greylags off Glynn (Neal Warnock)

The drake Ring-necked Duck was again showing well at The Templewater, Castleward, Co Down (Ronald Surgenor)

A male Hen Harrier was on Rathlin (Ric Else and Hazel Watson)

Circa 30 Twite were at Sandy Bay, Larne (Paul Mulvenna)

Two Brambling were in fields (unharvested grain) close to the Mellon Folk Park in the townland of Castletown, Co Tyrone (Annette Elkin)

A Ruff was still at Cloughey Bay. (Richard Weyl)

The Glossy Ibis was seen again at Grangefoyle Road, Bready, Co Tyrone (Christine Cunningham)

Yesterday, a Golden eagle was seen along the main glen in Glenveigh, Co Donegal (Paul and Niall Mulvenna)

A great day for taking photographs. You can see lots more local bird pics at: 

Glossy Ibis, Christine Cunningham:

Ring-billed (top) \ Common Gull (bottom) comparison head-shot, Paul McCullough:
Brambling, Annette Elkin:

Golden Eagle, Paul & Niall Mulvenna:

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