
Bird News Wednesday 24th January

The Great Northern Diver was still in Portrush harbour. (Robert Plant).

There was no sign of the Glossy Ibis at Portmore this morning, good numbers of Fieldfares and Redwings were present.(Jim McKeown & Kenneth Anderson).

The Glossy Ibis was present at Portmore this afternoon from 2p.m. (Richard Cave)

2 Purple Sandpipers were at Whitehead seafront. (Ian Enlander).

A juvenile Great Northern Diver was showing well at the south end of Lough Beg this afternoon - rare at Lough Beg ( just a few previous records). Also seen were a 1st-winter Mediterranean Gull, Great White Egret, Glossy Ibis, three Little Stints and 16 Ruff. (David Steele)

The mixed Brambling / Chaffinch flock still present at Donacavy Road, Fintona (Adam McClure).

A 2nd winter Iceland Gull was at Corbally Reservoir outside Portrush, 5 Tree Sparrows were in a nearby hedgerow. (Hill Dick).

A adult Glaucous Gull was at Ushet Lough on Rathlin, the third different Glaucous Gull this week. (Ric Else & Hazel Watson)

Thanks to Richard Caves for the picture of the Greenshank, to Ian Enlander for the picture of the Purple Sandpipers and to Ric Else for the picture of the Glaucous Gull:


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